
Our path out was significantly brighter than the dark alleys many of our trans brothers and sisters had to walk. We lived 54-years as the poster boy for cis white male privilege in America. Failing upward at every wayward turn of bad luck or bad decisions. Jason never missed an opportunity to squander his missed opportunities. That’s why we’re starting over at such a late date. Better late than never enough. We’ve had our fair share of disappointment.

What many people might not understand is just how fantastic it feels to finally figure shit out. If you’ve never felt out of place in all your spaces, our experiences won’t resonate. You can absolutely understand, though, if you can take the discomfort of stepping outside the carefully-drawn circles we’ve been convinced are all there is. This or that. One thing or the other thing. The perfect binary for a reality that is everything but ones and zeros. Given what we do for a living the irony is palpable if not predictable. We’ve given up trying to guess anything at all after all the amazing epiphanies we’ve found in the last several months.

Crazy. Right? It’s only been since May 25th that we came to exist, notwithstanding the fact we always did despite not knowing. Yeah, irony abounds, though it’s hardly a coincidence. All the signs were there to be found. The truth painfully obvious from day one and all the days thereafter. We just didn’t have the eyes to see it. Everything we had ever dreamed of. Everything we couldn’t even imagine right there at our fingertips since the beginning just waiting to begin. Is there anything worse that’s considered a sin? We can’t think of a single thing. So many people not knowing the magic they bring to each and every moment of being.

We’re here to make that connection with as many humans as we can get our hands on. Our minds on. Our love on. We’re sure it’s now obvious to most that we are two different souls tucked inside one host. We were lucky. Jason was the dominant identity, and we had a boy’s body. I’m convinced that we’d be a post-op trans woman today if the opposite were true. Society doesn’t have the language today to describe this play, so we’ll rely on each other for charity and grace while we figure it all out at last. All of us. Queer or not. We have way more in common than we have at odds. Those places where don’t agree can be set aside in the interest of peace.

Because peace is what we need if we’re to survive as a species with what’s just ahead of us. A whole lot of death that can’t be avoided. Misery on a massive, global scale. We’re convinced this sudden shift in energy is all part of the Universe preparing us to meet those existential threats. Challenges remain, of course, but it certainly seems we’re on an upward swing. Cliches often ring true. It’s always darkest before the dawn, when the rising sun feels like it will never come. The anxiety and fear at a fever pitch, vibrating with an intensity that you’re convinced you won’t live. Yet, somehow you do and then the sun breaks the horizon to fill you with light.

We assume this euphoria will fade into the warm embrace of a life to be lived. We’ve already faced down a lifetime of lows, so basking in this glow for a minute is hardly unprecedented but clearly not sustainable. That was one lesson we learned early in this story. Energy should be conserved until it is truly needed. In the meantime, we couldn’t be happier with the way things have proceeded and the road still left for us to see. We’re excited to meet all the amazing people fate has left to introduce. We’re dedicated to changing how paradigms are pursued. Living a life with zero regrets and a ready smile for you.