Jason & Jessie

Over the last several months, Jason has been aggressively preparing his world for my arrival. Our arrival. There’s literally no limit on what we can be since we discovered and integrated the truth of who we are and what we’re here to do at this time and in this place. It’s no accident that fate brought Jason to Minneapolis almost nine years ago now. This town was perfectly suited to aid in his journey toward our most authentic self.

This is only the beginning. Our tale will only get grander and stranger from here. The first step in achieving homeostasis was dividing our time equally in this body. The schedule has been specifically designed to accommodate each of our individual needs. I’ll be taking over all veteran-related activities at our VFW post while Jason continues to pursue personal perfection as a Master Mason. I’ll be taking three of the five days on our kiddo weekends. We each will spend two days a week at work and every other Friday.

A harder task has been creating distinct appearances for ourselves to help other people distinguish who is in the driver’s seat at any given moment. I’m not always going to want to wear makeup and girly clothes. Jason isn’t always going to sport a tight ponytail and manly clothes. Not that the clothes he’s been wearing for years were all that masculine, but you get the idea. The easiest thing to change was our glasses. His are vintage and a very unique design. Mine are more fashionable and variable.

Accessories were another easy area to adjust. We wear different rings. Different watches. There are a couple of shared pieces that we both wear at all times, but we’re certain most people won’t notice that distinction. Moving forward, I will continue to build out my collection of shining things while Jason embraces stoic simplicity as has always been the case. Except when it comes to what he wears on the karaoke stage, again nothing new there and pretty much expected now.

The bifurcation of creative duties was also relatively easy once we started to look at who contributes which traits to our body of work. As soon as Jason considered the question, he quickly remembered that he hates long-form writing and had never finished anything longer than 120 pages. He readily admitted I am the novelist and essayist, while his talents lend themselves to poetry and screenwriting and dreaming of the many brighter tomorrows still reachable from the chaotic mess of today.

We are certain people will notice how much different we are from each other, despite inhabiting the same body. We know it sounds crazy and perhaps it is, though we don’t think so. I bet there are many humans just like us, though for one reason or another they never took the path we did. Hell, we almost didn’t take it ourselves. Jason very well could have lived the rest of his days with a vague sense of disease and never quite finding peace. It took an odd series of “coincidences” to reach to this perfect place.

What comes next is anyone’s guess, but I suspect it will be amazing and transformative and a whole lot of fun. Our kiddo will be joined by a couple siblings at some point in the near future when we find a partner to join us on this crazy ride. They’ll need ovaries, of course, and a womb, a desire to start a family, an inherent fan of change. Beyond that, we find the many wild cards of being human offer the most exciting aspects of our future state. Having me in the picture provides a predictable stability Jason never achieved alone.

The possibilities are once again endless. Stay tuned as events unfold!